Childhood Dreams
Childhood dreams and aspirations is the theme for this weeks blog post and free downloadable journal page and creative worksheet.
Childhood dreams and aspirations is the theme for this weeks blog post and free downloadable journal page and creative worksheet.
Journal Prompt and worksheet for the week of February 18 by Tammey Brown. This week includes prompts like:
Today I am thankful for…
Today I am taking time for me by writing down my dreams….
Today I will focus on feeling good by….I love that I …..
Today I….. With Tammey Brown Read More »
There are so many ways to approach ABC Journaling! It’s a super fun way to create AND you already have a sort of road map to follow; the alphabet! Here are some fun examples of ABC Journaling: A long time ago in a kingdom far far away…. Before there were jets or boats or Cars or anything…..Dragons
ABC’s Journaling and Prompts! Read More »
With 20 years scrapbooking, and much of it spent teaching and helping others do it, I’ve learned a lot about what people love and what they struggle with. Love, relationships, and marriage are at the top of the list because break-ups, divorce and fall outs happen. I was married young, had a family and then
We learned last week that Journaling is just another way of expressing yourself and that there aren’t any rules really. So, if it’s so easy and there aren’t any rules, why do I sit and stare at my page? Here are a few things you might consider doing to shake things up a bit and
Writers Block – Feeling Stuck Read More »