WORKSHOPS! Open to All
Every Monday join this amazing opportunity to connect with like-minded people who want to be more, do more, and have more in their lives, right from the comfort of home (computer or phone). Join us as we share, empower and connect!
Hver mandag – på norsk
Bli med i en ekspansiv, opplysende, interaktiv utveksling og deling rundt loven om tiltrekning, energi, vibrasjoner og
gode følelser
Åpen for alle!
Join us every Wednesday for expansive and enlightening interactive conversation regarding all things Law Of Attraction, Energy, Vibration, and Feel Good Momentum!
All are welcome! See you there 🙂
Leveraging: We start with a short meditation and finish by sending each and every one pure loving energy for 68 seconds (= leveraging). Share and we will focus on the most beautiful outcome (or something so much better) for YOU for 68 seconds.
The second Thursday of the month you will find us Connecting, Sharing and being Inspired to create!
Grab your project, journal, canvas, yarn, colored pencils, crayons, or other creative project and join us.
Want to compare your timezone and the time for this workshop, click the button to go to the time zone calculator.