Image for Journaling Made Easy weekly blog post with Tammey Brown

Childhood Dreams

Childhood means different things to different people. I'm one of nine siblings, so childhood conjures memories of a very full house, a lot of noise and how much I love a good book!

Childhood definition

According to Wikipedia, childhood is simply the age from birth to adolescence. Well, that seems simple enough! No noisy Saturday mornings, rock finding expeditions or fist fights with sisters mentioned! Huh, that's interesting! 

Dreams definition

Let's look at what the definition of dreams is according to dictionary.com;


  1.  a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
  2.  the sleeping state in which this occurs.


  1.  to have a dream.
  2.  to indulge in daydreams or reveries


  1.  a state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing. 
  2. a fantastic, visionary, or impractical idea.

Let's put it all together now:

A time between the age from birth to adolescence where one indulges in a succession of images, thoughts, and/or emotions passing through the mind in a fantastic, visionary or impractical idea kind of way.  

My definition for Childhood Dreams:

Childhood dreams (for this blog share) = images, thoughts and emotions passing through the mind between birth and teenage years in a fantastic, visionary kind of way.

Now that sums up it up beautifully for me! I spent a great deal of time there in fact. I loved to daydream and doodle almost constantly, still do. Which is why I enjoy writing and sharing in this weekly blog! 

This week we will write, journal, create, scrapbook, and share about Childhood Dreams in any way that feels good to you. 

Childhood Dreams Journal Prompts (for yourself)

  • When I was young I dreamed of becoming…
  • In my youth I longed to visit… (have you?)
  • When I was a little girl/boy, I often daydreamed of…..
  • I clearly recall the youthful aspirations I had to…..
  • My childhood dreams of _________ really inspired me to _______
  • I see the same whimsical play in ________ and it reminds me of when I ______________________________________________________________________

Childhood Dreams Journal Prompts (for another)

  • I love it when my child (grandchild, niece, nephew, student) shares their desire to _______________ (fly, be an astronaut, dancer, firefighter). Today I encouraged them by ___________________ (taking them to the airplane museum, registering them for dance class, baking cookies with them and taking them to the firemen….)
  • My little ______________ (daughter/granddaughter/niece) loves to pretend to _______________ (teach/win a gold medal/act/sing) and it brings me so much delight!
  • My ____________ (elder) often shares their dream of _____________. Today I helped them achieve it by ________________________.
  • I wonder what grandma/pa dreamed about as a child….. (ask them or guess)
  • (loved ones name here) childhood dreams of ___________ inspire __________________________________________________________________________

Journal Page w/ Prompt
Week of February 25th 

Childhood Dreams…

Journaling Worksheet
Week of February 25th

What I Love ___________ 

Here are a few fun titles to inspire you!

  • The ballerina/fireman/teacher/scientist in me
  • As a child I dreamed of becoming/being/doing/seeing…
  • I loved to daydream about…
  • My favorite place to sit and dream about my future
  • Whimsical, Wonderful, and Wacky
  • I loved to….
  • I dreamt of ……
  • I desired ……

Note from Tammey

Each week I will share a journal prompt under the heading Journaling 101 in the weekly e-mail! The prompt is meant to spark ideas and action, but what you create is whatever feels good to you! Splats of color on a page with a quote on it IS journaling! A poem is journaling! Writing out your desires, prayers, dreams, ideas, and feelings IS journaling! So is scrapbooking. Here's to living YOUR BestLife! Did you know there is an online, open workshop the second Thursday of each month? READ MORE!

Feel free to leave comments/suggestions/ideas or examples of your journaling in the section below! 

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