image of woman making a funny face

What’s Your Story?

What story are you telling yourself today? Are you forward thinking, always moving towards what you desire? Or are you living in the past, carrying around an old story that is no longer serving you? As humans, we sometimes do this and I’ve been seeing & hearing it a lot lately, from clients, in the media and just in life generally.

Let’s take a deeper look!  Ask yourself these questions:

• Is my past (or the story I’m telling) serving me NOW, in this present moment?

• Is the story I’m telling myself & others holding me back from the things I want to do and the person I really want to be?

• Is this story hurting me and others around me?

• Is this story the reality that I want to create in my life right now?

If you answered  NO to the last question, and you realized you are carrying some baggage into the future, then WoooHooo! I’m proud of you and happy that you are ready to make a change.

When we hold on to our stories (good or bad), according to the law of attraction, we keep creating the same story over and over and over again. Can you see that? Can you sense that? Do you see repeated patterns in your life right now? Are you having the same arguments, working with that same thorn in your side person (just with a different face), dating the same guy or gal (again, just a different face with the same personality), or are you feeling stuck on the never ending hamster wheel?  Your story is a part of who you are, it made you who you are today, but you really don’t have to keep living IN it. Let go of the bad or sad parts and find & focus on the good. Be grateful and appreciative of the lessons you’ve learned and for the experiences, the journey. Quit dredging up the muck, quit talking about it, quit playing the blame, shame, victim game with yourself and others that may or may not have been involved. Take the Best and Leave the Rest!

Now the good stuff!  We are put on this earth to enjoy, to play, to find fulfillment and follow our passion. If your past did not create these kinds of feelings then congratulations, it is definitely time to move forward and create a new reality for yourself. We learn from contrast, that’s how you distinguish what you don’t want, and get clarity on what you DO want. You get to choose. You have the power to decide for yourself. ONLY YOU can make the decision to move toward the things that feel good. Thank the past, be grateful for the adventure, and take one step today that moves you forward into the life that you dream of for yourself. It really is that easy. Try it today, do it tomorrow, do it the next day, and before you know it, you will be living, in the deliciousness of an awesome and amazing life!

Image of Tracy Kouba, Coach and Instructor for BestLife Creation Society

Tracy Kouba

Tracy has been working in the field of mind body and spiritual healing for over a decade. She is a Reiki Master and Teacher, and is also Certified in ThetaHealing ™, BodyTalk ™, ERCS/eDNA.
Tracy uses her gifts and knowledge of coaching techniques, energy work, crystals and stones, nutrition, and essential oils, combined with her heart centered passion, to help her students and clients love their best life.

You can get more great content from her at www.inspiredsignals.com or her Facebook Page @inspiredsignals

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